Jazzmobile, Inc. Celebrates
2014 Harlem Shrines Jazz Festival
with a Series of Concerts Saluting Minton’s Playhouse, Savoy Ballroom and the King of the Lindy Hop, Frankie Manning
Jazzmobile Continues Annual Partnership with Apollo Theater, Harlem Stage and Columbia University to Bring Emerging and Established Artists to Venues All Over Harlem

Jazzmobile’s HJSF events include a salute to the Savoy Ballroom with a tribute to Lindy Hop dancer extraordinaire Frankie Manning featuring The Harlem Renaissance Orchestra plus lecture/dance demonstrations with the Cecil Bridgewater Big Band; a discussion on Charlie Parker with authors Stanley Crouch and Professor Farah Jasmine Griffin; the Jazzmobile Vocal Competition Kick-Off; and Minton’s Playhouse: New Legends on the Bandstand, honoring the legendary birthplace of bebop with alto saxophonists Antonio Hart and T.K. Blue, pianist Christian Sands, singer Charenee Wade and a live recording session featuring drummer T.S. Monk and his Sextet.